Tuesday, January 29, 2019

16 January 2019

Pakistan’s Rulers, Shirk and Army Officials
16 January 2019

Muhammad Qasim saw in this dream that many rulers have come and ruled Pakistan over the time but circumstances in Pakistan have not improved. Then Imran Khan came and people were hopeful that now everything will be fixed as Imran Khan has come now, but nothing changes and everything remains the same as before. But Asif Zardari became angry on the government and started doing speeches and big political gatherings. He said that I will not spare you and I will not allow your government to work and this country will not move forward. I am watching all this on the TV. After watching all this I came out of my house and I said that if the circumstances remained the same then the situation of the country will not improve. Then Asif Zardari conducted a big political gathering and I watched it from a faraway distance. When I am watching that crowd then the land on my right hand side starts converting into a field and a floor of soft soil starts spreading on this field. The soil spreads on this field in such a way as if someone is spreading the layer of the soil in a much organised manner. That soil is levelled from the top in such a way as if it’s a floor made with soil and it looks like as if a very advance and expert company has spread that soil. That soil looks very suitable and fertile because the way it is soft and wet at the top the same way it is wet deep down as well and it is not dry underneath which usually is the case. Then I did not pay attention to that soil and started watching Asif Zardari again and I said that many rulers have ruled such as Army, other rulers and Imran Khan but nothing has improved. 

Then I looked at the soil again and it had spread a lot and it was still spreading, it was levelled from the top and its rows were spreading at an equal distance and it was being manured simultaneously as well. Manure also kept spreading and I said who is spreading it like this on top of the soil? Then I thought to myself that now Zardari is speaking, similarly soon it will be my turn now and I will have to speak to the people as well and I should do the preparation for that. I have to do planning about what I should say and what I shouldn’t say. Then I went to a room or a small house. When I went there then I saw that it is a hall like room and there are a few people sitting there. I talked to them and said that so far so many rulers have ruled and if you look at their history then every time there was a hope that the country will flourish but nothing happened, rather the circumstances have been getting worse than ever before. Then I told them that there is only one reason for all this failure and disorder, and the reason is that until and unless we abolish shirk and eliminate all its forms from this country there will be no prosperity and Allah’s help will not arrive either. I saw that more people came there and they were listening to my conversation. Then I saw that the some Army officers were also standing at a faraway distance and they were also listening to my conversation. 

Then I said that inside the cities on different roads and junctions there are monuments and statues in the name of art and culture, there are big billboards that have unnecessary pictures on them, similarly there are statues and idols in the parks and all other kinds of pictures posted in the city which are unnecessary, all of these are forms of shirk. Prophet Muhammad PBUH also destroyed such idols and statues to eliminate shirk. When we abolish all these forms of shirk then Allah’s help will also arrive.Then not only that Pakistan will be victorious in Ghazwah-e-Hind but it will also be victorious against powers like USA and Russia in the WW3 and it will become a superpower alone. Army officials and some other people were listening to my conversation and I said that when we abolish shirk and its forms then Allah will shower his blessings and mercy upon us and uncover His treasures upon us because at the very start Prophet Muhammad PBUH also advised Muslims to avoid shirk and established a society that was free from shirk.

Then I saw myself sitting in a live interview and the host asked me about shirk and said that in this day and age pictures are a necessity and I said to him that where they are necessary we should use them but we shouldn’t use them if they are not needed. Then there are different requirements of the state where use of pictures is allowed such as the ID cards and currency notes or if someone is in a photography business then they can use pictures because it is necessary. Apart from this you see unnecessary pictures and images all over the city or some people use the images of celebrities in their homes then this is not permissible and it falls under the forms of shirk.

Then I said that you see the live TV shows of different anchor-persons and they use their pictures therein, those who are not famous it is ok for them to use a picture in the promo of their talk shows but the famous anchors do not need to show their pictures as its not necessary. Army Officials are continuously watching all this from a distance and they are also listening to my conversation carefully. And the dream ended there.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

07 December 2018

On 07 December 2018, Muhammad Qasim saw In a dream, I find myself inside a big house. There I find people indulged in various types of evil and there is darkness everywhere. Due to the dirt and filth, that house is in a very bad condition. I run water in a pipe and start washing this house. There are spider webs, dirt and insects everywhere in this house. This house is very big and there are a lot of rooms within it. When I am finished cleaning the house then I start to feel famished. In the end I find myself with the people that I know and there are some other people there as well.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Article about Muhammad Qasim and his dreams on newspaper

Allah’s special blessings are on Muhammad Qasim ibn Abdul Kareem who lives in Lahore n is 42 years old. His specification is that Allah Taala n Prophet Muhammad SW have been coming in his dreams since 28 years. The main topic of his dreams is oneness of Allah Taala (Tauheed) n to avoid shirk which is the only key to success. He has true love n respect of Prophet Muhammad SW. He has honour to meet Prophet Muhammad SW in his dreams approx 300 times but he never saw Prophet Muhammad SW in his face directly. He always talked to Prophet Muhammad SW with respect n lowering his head. He felt plenty of nur around him. He saw his first when he was only 5 yrs old. He saw in this dream that he was climbing a ladder which was from the roof of his house towards skies where Allah Taala is present. Allah Taala n Prophet Muhammad SW came first time in his dream when he was 12 or 13 years old. When he became 17 years old, divine dreams became routine. In 2014 Allah Taala ordered him to share his dreams to others. Then he started to share his dreams on the official websites of Pakistan, Pakistan Army n other Islamic countries. Muhammad Qasim told that the first sign of his dreams will be that enemy tried to make Pakistan “Tora Bora” but Allah Taala saved Pakistan. Then in future Pakistan would b able to lead Ummah. Pakistan would progress fast n would become developed country. Pakistan would be able to manufacture all the things at home even space shuttle. System of peace n justice would b established in Pakistan so people all around the world would like to get Pakistan’s nationality. Pakistan n its Army would play vital role in renaissance of Islam. 
Discussing about Indo Pak tension Muhammad Qasim said on 17 March 2017 he saw in his dream that conspiracy has been plotted to paralyse Pak Army by mixing chemicals in their food by India. Then on 26 May 2018 he saw another dream in which it was mentioned that the food is dollars. Because of shortage of dollars Pakistan would not be able to buy fuel n so Army wouldn’t able to do anything. (According to his dream) when India attacks Pakistan, people of Pakistan would fight with their Army n Muhammad Qasim would b in front of them. 
Muhammad Qasim told that as Prophet Yousuf AS guided a non muslim Egyptian King by interpreting his dream so King planned for the future to save his people from coming starvation n trouble, just as Govt of Pakistan should do future planning according to his dreams. He requested to convey his message to Chief of Army staff to double the number of troops. He should provide more facilities to them n should raise Army’s standard more so Army could face any challenge. Mentioning WW3 he said Middle East would b destroyed completely. The war between Russia n America would be fought by Arab countries. People of Middle East will come towards Pakistan in search of peace n people of Pakistan will have to do for their rehabilitation. During his talking Muhammad Qasim told many time about Pakistan’s Black Jet fighters who would save boundaries of Pakistan. They would have latest technology n would be undefeatable. These Black jet fighters would be blessings of Allah n with them we will b able to occupy Kashmir. Kashmir will b captured before Ghazwatul Hind. India would not dare to attack us because of these Black Jet fighters. Muhammad Qasim told us more that in WW3 these Black Jet fighters will go to Middle East to take back captured Muslim territories. They will defeat both Russian n America. Nobody could stop these Black jet fighters. Mentioning about End Time Muhammad Qasim said that he has seen Dajjal many times in his dreams n also he has seen Gog n Magog when they attack. And Muhammad Qasim has also seen Prophet Easa AS. People will start to live with him after his arrival. 
Muhammad Qasim in his interview stressed more to avoid Shirk. When we save ourselves from shirk n when we run our Governance according to Allah’s commands n when we officially stop Shirk , Allah would shower his blessings n bounties upon us n He would praise us from the source which we couldn’t imagine otherwise will b remain in darkness n humility. Kindly Understand! that saving ourselves from shirk is the only key to success n wellness. So far we r failed to achieve this. When we finished shirk officially, we would be able to leave whole world behind us in the field of Science n technology n then we would be able to establish Pakistan as a welfare state n then whole world would give our example of peace. 
Muhammad Qasim cleared that why he is stressing so much upon to save ourselves from shirk because Allah has sent his first message through all of His Prophets to establish Tauheed (preaching of one Allah). Our Last Prophet Muhammad SW also invited people towards one Allah n asked them to leave shirk. First he commanded to leave shirk and then he established a sucessful society. So for the completion of a successful society n to establish a welfare state, we as a humble servant of RahmatullilAlameen n by following his way of practice (Sunnah) should first finish shirk officially. He gave his message to Ummah with the depth of his heart that if u need success, don’t make partner in existence n characteristics of Allah Taala. He said to recite سبحان اللہ و بحمدہ (Subhanallahe wa bi hamdihi) daily in morning n evening n to recite durood shareef. 
Muhammad Qasim said that when top leadership of Pakistan n Army cheif come to know about my dreams, Prophet Muhammad SW would give witness through their dreams that Muhammad Qasim n his dreams are true n everything would be happened just as Allah Taala showed him in his dreams. We will save Islam n Pakistan with the help of Allah.

DEC 23, 2018

DEC 23, 2018 Muhammad Qasim saw in a dream that people are discussing politics in a big room that, "if the circumstances get bad the...