Sunday, July 29, 2018

Prophecies about the progress of Pakistan and the Rise of Islam by Muhammad Qasim bin Abdul Karim

Prophecies about the progress of Pakistan and the Rise of Islam
Muhammad Qasim bin Abdul Karim
Dreams are given a special importance in Islam. Prophet Muhammad PBUH said:
““Nothing remains of the beginnings of Prophethood except the good vision a Muslim may see.” The Sahabah sought that what does a vision mean? Prophet Muhammad PBUH said “Good dream.”
It is proven from this Hadith that apart from dreams there is nothing left for the believers to know the events of the future. The importance of true dreams is also apparent from the fact that it is a part of the Prophethood:
“True dreams are one of the forty-six parts of Prophethood.”
(Al-Bukhaari, 6472; Muslim, 4201)
I have been continuously seeing dreams for the past 27 years about Pakistan, the coming of the day of Judgement and Islam. I have also seen Prophet Muhammad PBUH in his dreams for more than 300 times. Some years ago Prophet Muhammad PBUH gave me an order in my dreams to share my dreams with the people and to convey the message of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. This fact is completely clear that we are living in the end of times and the day of Judgement is very near.
It is not possible for me to state all of my dreams here so I am stating a summary of my dreams instead.
In a dream on 2006 I asked Allah that why did you create Pakistan? Every kind of vice is present in Pakistan, neither is there peace nor prosperity, there is killing and injustice everywhere, and he told me that Qasim 1400 years ago when Muhammad PBUH was in this world then he often used to make a supplication that O Allah, near the day of judgement create a country whose name would be La ilaha il Allah and when Islam is suppressed in the entire world then make the true Islam spread in the entire world from there, so I accepted the supplication of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and I decided to make Pakistan, and I will defend Pakistan and I will protect it too.
I was told in my dreams that soon attempts will be made to change Pakistan into Tora Bora and plans will be made to end Islam. But Allah will help the Muslims and Islam will spread in the entire world. Pakistan and its Army will play a huge role in the rise of Islam.
I was told in my dreams about the plans of America, Israel and India against Islam and Pakistan.
In a dream on 19th March 2017, I saw that the prime minister of Israel told the president of America that we have almost completed the castle of Dajjal (which was a brown colored building) and very soon only the name of Palestine will be left and we will rule the entire Middle East. Then the president of America said that not only the Middle East but the entire world will be under our governance. When Israel started to create a brown colored building in the area of Palestine then the Muslims protested a lot. Suddenly in the base of the building there was a huge blast and due to it a terrifying dust storm was created and it started to spread everywhere, a huge number of Muslims died and this storm spread all across the Middle East, Egypt, Sudan and many other Arab countries. I thought that what Israel did which caused destruction of such a magnitude!?
In a dream on 21 December, 2017, I saw that the president of America was creating a plan to destroy Pakistan, in his hand there was a map which showed Pakistan as a part of India. The president of America showed this map to everyone and said that now Pakistan will be controlled by India, and then he signed it.
In a dream on December 2014, I saw Turkey, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia as three big castles of Islam. The enemies of Islam tried to destroy these castles one after another. First of all an attempt was made to destroy Turkey and they destroyed it without facing much resistance. After this those forces went for Saudi Arabia and destroyed it. Muslims were continuously being defeated in the third world war and a terrible destruction was spread in the Middle East. After this the non-believers wanted to destroy Pakistan but Allah helped Pakistan and its army with His unseen forces and black jet fighters. Then Ghazwa e Hind began which was a part of the third world war and Muslims achieved their first victory in Ghazwa e Hind and Muslims successfully defended the third and last castle of Islam. Then we marched towards the Middle East and conquered our lost areas, Pakistan successfully defeated America and Russia with the help of Allah and became a superpower and then we spread the true Islam in the entire world with the Help of Allah.
I have seen many such dreams in which I am told about the progress of Pakistan and the rise of Islam. If I combine all of these dreams then the following sequence of events is formed:
Soon the news of my dreams is spread in the entire world with the Help of Allah. During the same time Prophet Muhammad PBUH gave witness to the army chief about my dreams that Qasim is not lying about the dreams, his dreams are true and they are from Allah. After this the army of Pakistan and its people really believed in my dreams and took courageous steps to save Islam and Pakistan. Then the people who really loved Pakistan started to rule it. First of all Pakistan was freed from every form of Shirk at the level of the government, and sectarianism is abolished. The Muslims of Pakistan became one nation. Eid started to be celebrated on one day and the Azan started to occur on the same time. To save Pakistan from usury such a system of banking was devised that was free from interest. Every type of terrorism and injustice was abolished. And such a system based on justice and equality was formed that the people of the rest of the world were amazed. Such a system of governance was formed that the common people of Pakistan could ask questions from prime minister, army chief and the heads of other departments.
When the enemies of Pakistan saw that Pakistan is progressing then they tried to ruin Pakistan economically and asked Pakistan to give back the loans that it had taken, and said that until Pakistan returns the loan we will force it to accept our terms and make it our slave again. But Allah helped Pakistan and granted us from the treasures of the unseen. From these treasures we paid back the loan of Pakistan.
Pakistan stood on its feet by the Help of Allah, there was peace and prosperity everywhere in Pakistan. There was Mercy and Blessings of Allah. Allah finished impurity and immorality from Pakistan. Many non-Muslims also immigrated to Pakistan and started to live here. We gave everyone equal rights without discrimination. Pakistan became a rich country of the world.
And soon enough we surpassed the west in every field. We create planes, ships and every sort of technology including space shuttles by ourselves and became self-sufficient in every field. We surpassed the rest of the world by the Help of Allah, the world was amazed that how did we achieve all this in such a short period of time. These people were very underdeveloped, and if they keep on progressing at this rate then they will rule the entire world one day.
When Pakistan started to progress by leaps and bounds and peace and prosperity started to spread everywhere. Then upon seeing all this India tried to stop Pakistan from progressing and started to prepare to attack Pakistan. The people of Pakistan and the army became prepared for this too. Allah sent thousands of black jet fighters with His help. India became terrified on seeing them and also surprised that where did Pakistan get these jets from? The rest of the world, the engineers of American army became surprised and amazed too. Upon seeing those jets India retreated its army from the borders. But Pakistan took advantage of these jets and freed a famous place in the Middle East. In this way Allah planned and Pakistan got an opportunity to progress a lot.
On the other hand India, its allies and the terrorist groups prepared to wage a war against Pakistan. We attacked on Kashmir and freed it. Upon this America said that we will fight the third world war in Pakistan. After seeing those black jet fighters, Muslims from all across the globe came to Pakistan for the rise of Islam and the Ghazwa e Hind. Pakistan also took steps to protect the Muslims living in India, so that they would be safe in the event of a war. Entire world saw that Muslims became united once again. We make our jets for wars and other technology by ourselves and we became self-sufficient by the Mercy of Allah.
Then the worst war of the world started, the enemies of Pakistan believed that they will destroy Pakistan. But Allah helped Pakistan by His Mercy. In this war we did not kill women, children and innocent people. And Pakistan won this war by the Help of Allah. In this war 800 million people are killed, in which there is a greater proportion of the enemies. After that the government of Pakistan gave refuge to the women, children and other people and they became Muslims too.
We won this war by the Help of Allah and our enemies were defeated. After that Muslims of the East came out by the Help of Allah and got back the lost areas such as Middle East and Turkey and there was no one to stop us. Pakistan became a superpower by the Mercy of Allah and then we spread the true Islam of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in the entire world by the Mercy of Allah. The entire world was filled with peace and Islam was once again spread in it. Everyone understood that the true Islam of Prophet Muhammad PBUH is filled with peace. The Mercy and Blessings of Allah was everywhere and no one was poor or sad. And above all, Allah was pleased with us. This peace remained for 8 to 10 years and then Dajjal appeared.
In a dream on 20th September 2015, Allah said that Qasim Quran is my word. If Shaitan, jinn and the entire humanity united even then they won’t be able to create a single Surah. Like this the dreams that I have shown you are also created by me (Allah). If Shaitan, Jinn and the entire humanity united even then they won’t be able to create such dreams.
To know more about my dreams check my Facebook page and YouTube channel:

Truthful dreams/Visions

Truthful dreams/Visions
“True dreams are one of the forty-six parts of Prophethood.” (al-Bukhaari, 6472; Muslim, 4201)
The truthfulness of the dream is related to the sincerity of the dreamer. Those who have the most truthful dreams are those who are the most truthful in speech. (Muslim, 4200)
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“That will be because the Prophethood and its effects will be so far away in time, so the believers will be given some compensation in the form of dreams which will bring them some good news or will help them to be patient and steadfast in their faith.” (al-Bukhaari, 6499; Muslim, 4200)
These visions/truthful dreams are extremely rare. They have a meaning behind them and may require interpretation. These dreams are glad tidings for the believers. Especially at times of tests and trials, these dreams are a source of comfort for believers – in order to keep them firm in their deen. They could also be a warning against an evil, or a window to some events that will happen in the future. However, new laws and legislation cannot be derived from such dreams as our deen is complete and was perfected before the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
At times, even disbelievers may have truthful dreams. For instance, the dream of Pharaoh about Musa ‘alayh is-salaam and the dream of the king at the time of Prophet Yusuf ‘alayh is-salaam. However, both these truthful dreams were actually a means of honor and benefit to the believers – Prophet Musa and Yusuf, and not the disbelievers.
Two types of visions/truthful dreams:
1. واضح: These are very clear, truthful dreams. That is, the exact same thing you dreamt about will occur in the future. This is a big test from Allah as it tests one’s faith in believing who really is the true possessor of the ghaib (Unseen). Only Allah possess the knowledge of the unseen, and He chooses to reveal some of this knowledge to those whom He wills according to His infinite wisdom. So it is crucial that the person due to these clear visions/ dreams is not deviated in believing that these dreams are due to their own righteousness/ability. Hence, this is a huge test for one’s faith. May Allah protect us from such deviations, ameen
2. مرموز : These truthful dreams require interpretation as they are not clear visions. However, only a person with a great deal of ilm and taqwa can interpret dreams. The interpreter needs to have ilm of the Quran and Sunnah, should to be smart, and most importantly, should have taqwa and be away from indulging in sins.
Imam Malik mentioned that the interpretation of a dream not only depends on the dream itself, but also on the one who dreamt it.
What should we do when we have good dreams:
1.Praise and thank Allaah for the good dream (Say Alhumdulillaah)
2.Feel happy about it
3.Talk about it to those whom one loves and trusts, and they too love him/her (i.e. they should not be envious of him as this might trigger them to plot against you. For example, in the case of Prophet Yusuf ‘alayh is-salaam, his father commanded him not to convey his dream to his brothers due to their jealously.
The prohibition on lying about visions and dreams
It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“Whoever tells of a dream that he did not see will be commanded [on the Day of Resurrection] to tie two grains of barley together, but he will never be able to do it.’ (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6635)

Who is Muhammad Qasim 1

Notice)This blog does not belong to Muhammad Qasim. This blog is managed by one of his helpers. 

This is the story of Muhammad qasim the son of Abdul Karim.
As-salamu alaikum I am from Pakistan.
For the last 26 years Allah and Muhammad Salah Allahu alayhi wasalam keep coming into my dreams.
The first time they had come into my dreams was when I was 12 years old.
And when I was 17 years old they came into my dreams continuously.
Since then Allah has come into my dreams at least 500 times.
And Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam came into my dreams at least 300 times.
I testify that there is no God except Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.
In 2007 Allah and Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam teach me what to do and what not to do.
Mostly to avoid all sorts of shirk.
I have seen many dreams how Islam and the Muslim ummah will rise against the whole world.
For the first time in April 2014 Allah told me qasim.
I want you to tell the whole world about your dreams and I want everyone to know who you are.
I have shared many of my dreams with family members friends and Neighbors.
And all of them ended up ignoring me after that I stopped sharing my dreams.
Then in December 2014 Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam appear twice in my dreams and said.
You have to save Islam and Pakistan by sharing your dreams.
In all hopelessness I ask myself what should I do?
I don't know why Allah and Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam keep coming
Into my dreams.
I am just a simple person not religious.
Just that I tell the truth and want to be a friend of Allah.
I never saw a Allah just that I felt he is on the throne above the sky.
And I heard his voice from there or saw his light.
And I feel he is nearer to me than my jugular vein and at the front part of my brain.
I have only seen the body of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
Because my gaze would always lower out of respect.
In a few dreams I shake hands and hug Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
And my body testifies that this is the body of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
Allah told me in a dream in 1994 that qasim.
I will fulfill the promise I made to you and if I can't I am not the lord of the Worlds.
From that day I put my trust in the Lord and waited for his promise.
And whenever I started to lose hope Allah or Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
Would advise me with patience and tell me qasim Muslims to not lose hope.
Do not be like the nun Muslims.
In many of my dreams Allah and Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam guide me in the right path.
And then many dreams Allah told me qasim go fill the world with light as it is in Darkness.
Allah and Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam told me qasim.
One day you will take the whole Muslim Umah out of Darkness.
And then then the whole world will be filled with light and peace starting from Pakistan
in other dreams I saw the dajjal trying to destroy that world peace.
Allah told me we will be the last nation of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam on this Earth
and qiyama will be established on the worst of us
in February 2015 Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam.he told me in a dream don't lose hope my Son.
You are very close to your destiny and Allah is helping you just wait a bit longer.
many people have told me you are mentally ill or it's from shaitan.
however a Allah told me many years back qasim read the last three surahs before you sleep so that shaitan stays away from you
and I've been doing that for many years now
Allah told me in many dreams that qasim one day I will help you and give you success.
And I will fulfill my promises even if there is one day left from qiyama.
I don't know when that'll be but I've been waiting for the past 21 years.

Who is Muhammad Qasim 2

Asalaam alaykum. My name is Muhammad qasim and I am from Pakistan. Allah and Muhammad s.a.w told me in my dreams to share my dreams with others and that is all I'm doing so don't blame me. The mercy of Allah is for everyone and everything.and I just want to be a friend of Allah and nothing more. and only Allah is my wakeel. I have been seeing such dreams for more than the last 23 years. Allah came into my dreams for more than 500 times and Muhammed s.a.w more than 280 times.
I was about 12 or 13 when Allah and Muhammed s.a.w both came in my dreams for the first time. and then after that in 1993 when I was 17 yrs old Allah and Muhammed s.a.w started to come regularly and continuously in my dreams and ever since Allah and Muhammed s.a.w keep coming into my dreams.
Muhammed S.a.w is the last Messenger and prophet of Allah. And I am ummati of Muhammad s.a.w and I am proud that I am the ummati of Muhammad s.a.w.
In 1 dream Allah told me Qasim I will defend Pakistan and I will save Pakistan. In my dreams Allah and Muhammed s.a.w guide me to the straight path. From 2007 Allah and Muhammed s.a.w started to teach me about the things which I should do and the things which I should avoid.mostly Allah and Muhammed s.a.w told me to avoid all types and forms of shirk and to be a good human.
April 2014, Allah and Muhammad started telling me in my dreams to share them with everyone and then I started to share my dreams with my family members, friends and some other people, I also shared my dreams through Email to Pakistan Army Official Sites, Pakistan Government Sites, Pakistan's popular people and with my Islamic Countries Official Websites but it seemed that no one was believing in me and my dreams and they all ignored me. After that I stopped sharing my dreams.
In December 2014, Muhammad came twice in my dreams in a single night and told me "Qasim, you have to share these dreams to everyone to save Pakistan and to save Islam. I got confused and I said to myself that I have shared my dreams with many people and they are not believing in me, what more should I do? And then Peshawar School got attacked and then I thought about it and then I decided to share my dreams on Internet.
Let me clear that I am a simple person and not religious. I am clean shaved, I did not use to pray regularly and I don't pray Tahajjud. I just tell the truth and I do not lie. I don't know why Allah and Muhammad keep on coming in my dreams.
In 1994, Allah told me from the sky and I still remember His words "Qasim, the promises which I have made to you, I will indeed fulfill them and if I fail to fulfill my promises then I am not the King of all the Worlds."
Ever since that day, I have been waiting for Allah that when will the time of his promise arrive and when will my patience end? I did not despair of the Mercy of Allah and whenever I start to despair then Allah or Muhammad would come to my dreams and say that Qasim despair not of the Mercy of Allah, and Qasim be patient, Allah does not waste the rewards of those who are patient, and Allah is the best disposer of affairs. They motivate me with such words and I become fresh again. In January 2014, Allah told me that Qasim, I have tested you for 20 years, I wanted to see that either or not you are from the ones who despair of the Mercy of Allah.
I saw this dream in summer 2003, Allah said "Qasim until the time for My promise arrives even if you dip your hand in gold then it will become dust but when My promise arrives then after that if you dip your hands in dust then it will become gold by My order."
I do not look at Allah in my dreams and I just feel in my dreams that Allah is on Arsh-e-Azeem and His voice is coming down from there or I see Nur and voice comes from the Noor, or Allah talks with me from the sky, in every dream I feel Allah nearer to my jugular vein. I do not look at the face of Muhammad but I can see his body, in one dream I hug Muhammad and my whole body witnessed that I am hugging Muhammad , I have shaken hands many times with Muhammad in my dreams and my hands witnessed that I am shaking hands with Muhammad . In Sep 2015 in a dream for the first time in my life I look in the Eyes of Muhammad . When my eyes look into Muhammad's Eyes then they get fixed and I couldn't look away. I feel as if in His Eyes Allah has filled all of His Noor, which was an unbelievable moment for me.
I have seen many other Prophets and Messengers in my dreams but I only looked at the face of Suleiman, and I have seen Isa in my dreams many times.
In a few dreams I saw that when the whole world became peaceful, Dajjal from somewhere else will come and try to destroy the peace of the world.
In one dream, I saw Esa coming from the sky, and Gog Magog came out and they got spread across the whole earth. I with very few people join the Isa, and then we live with Isa.
In 1993, when the dreams started I made a notebook and I used to note my dreams in the notebook and things like how many times I saw Allah in my dreams, how many times I saw Rasulullah in my dreams but few years back I lost that notebook during shifting. Total dreams are more than 800 and I still remember many dreams.
Many years back in one dream, Allah told me Qasim before sleeping read Surah-Ikhlas Surah-Falaq Surah-Naas, and then sleep so Satan stays away from you, and I have been doing this from the last many years.
Allah told me in many dreams, But Allah did not tell me that when will that day come and I am waiting from from the last 20 years.
It has been a long journey for me and still I am waiting for Allah, I did not lose my hope from the last 20 years and I don't know when or how I will reach my destiny, I don't even know what is my destiny, only Allah knows best.

WORLD WAR 3 in Muhammad Qasim's dream

Bismillah i-rahman i-rahim
as-salaam alaikum
I've seen this war many times in my true dreams
this war is imposed upon Pakistan and we defend our country and Islam .
that was a great and worst war against Islam in the world
that wasn't only the war of the survival of Pakistan but the war for the survival of Islam.
because before this War 2 main powerful castles of Islam turkey and Saudi Arabia were destroyed
and since Pakistan was the last castle of Islam and it was very essential to defend Pakistan in order to save this Islam
before this war Allah conveyed the news of my dreams to the Army chief of Pakistan
and Prophet Muhammad s.a.w also gave him the witness of my dreams that qasim is not lying to anyone regarding his dreams and his dreams are true and they are from Allah.
the Army and people of Pakistan took bold steps to save Islam and Pakistan and then people who really love Pakistan started to run it and we cleared Pakistan from all forms of disbelief and such a system of justice was formed that the rest of the world became surprised and such a system of government was formed that Pakistan started to progress and also started to prepare for the war but with that
destruction started to happen in turkey and Middle East new terrorist groups were formed in the Middle East
when Pakistan started to progress then India tried to attack Pakistan but Allah help Pakistan with powerful black jet fighters and India did not attack Pakistan after seen them. but on the other side india and its allies and terrorist groups also started to prepare for the war on pakistan.
we also attacked on Kashmir and freed it to make our defense more stronger and India Doesnt dare to attack pakistan alone due to the black jet fighters after seeing these black Jets many Muslims from around the world come to Pakistan and started to play their role in rebuilding Islam Allah helped us from the unseen and Allah made us very intelligent.
By his Mercy we make our own technology airplanes ships and we also become self-sufficient a while ago before this was prophet Muhammad s.a.w called me to Madina through a dream when I went to Mecca and Medina then I saw them abandoned and wild and I saw unrest and darkness amongst the people
so I told them that be patient for a while Allah will fix everything with this help
when I came back the enemies were ready to go attack Pakistan and we
we're also ready to attack
according to my true dream Prophet Muhammad s.a.w participated invisibly and secretly which was in the knowledge of the leading commanders
and then the worst war started
and then enemies of Pakistan and we're sure that they will destroy Pakistan
but the planning of Allah was something else
and Allah helped Pakistan in this War
the Muslims did not kill any children old people or unarmed men who wish to make peace
I don't know how long this war went but Pakistan won this war with the help of Allah
after this war was finished I came to know that in this war 80 curropt people were killed
Then I became very sad and I said that why was this war ever imposed upon us then I said that we only defended ourselves and our enemies themselves wanted death
we help all woman kids elderly and adopted them as family and they converted to Islam
since we won this war with the help of Allah and the enemies got defeated
then Muslims from the East came out with the help of Allah into the world and regain their territories and there was no one to stop us and all forms of terrorism and oppression were demolished
we spread true Islam in the entire world with the help of Allah and the entire world got filled with peace
Islam got spread in the world once again and everyone came to know that the real islam of Muhammad s.a.w is full of Peace there was mercy and Bounty of Allah everywhere and there was risq everywhere and no one remain sad or poor
and most of all Allah was happy with us and after a few years dajjal appear 

GOG AND MAGOG in Muhammad Qasim's dream

Bismillah a-rahman a-rahim
as-salaam alaikum
I've seen dreams about Gog and magog and I'm going to share these dreams now Gog and magog are of two colors which are black and white
both are same to you and have a difference of their color
Gog and magog are like a different type of big gorillas when they start coming out then they never stopped
and they have a unique type of anger inside them for humans because of humans they were in prison for centuries and they take revenge for this from humans
Gog and magog live in a very huge hole in the earth and the way to the hole is from a very large cave
look at this picture this is just an example it's a very large cave like this and Inside It's a Long Way leads into the Earth this one is smaller as compared to the cave
But Gog and magog can easily come and go from the cave via this path the roof of the hole was very high and Gog and Magog are unable to climb it and in the roof are there small holes via which light and air comes in
when Gog and magog are in the hole then they have no idea what is going on in the cave or in the way leading to the cave
when Gog and magog come out then they spread mischief and after spreading mischief they go back into the hole and they live in the hole four to six months
and they don't come out
and this is the Tine when Zulqurnain builds a wall on the opening of The Cave Zulqurnain first blocks the inner way to the cave and when the inner way is blocked then Gog and Magog are trapped and then zulkarnain builds a strong metal wall on the opening of The Cave and it takes the time of six years to build this wall before Gog and Magog come out
in a few weeks before the worst war of humanity takes place with Dajjal and almost all the ammo was finished in that war and When Gog and magog come out then they have no heavy weapon to fight with Gog and magog in the dream I go to fight with a powerful strong headed person
and before going I boarded my family and some other people in an advanced type of train and I tell them that you wait for me here when I come back then we will leave this place forever and go to join Isa a.s
when I kill that powerful strong headed person with the help of Allah then I hear the voice of Muhammad s.a.w that Qasim Gog and Magog have come out get to your home fast
I get to my home fast when I reach there then everything was fine. I tell the people that you all sit with caution
And that Gog and magog have come out and they can attack our train I started the train and get up on the roof of the train so that if I Gog and magog would attack then i will kill them with the nur of Allah
the Nur of Allah then appeared on my finger and on the way four or five white colored Gog and Magog attacked on our train and when I see them then it seems like they are coming down from the sky they attack with a terrifying scream and a lot of speed but when i throw the Nur of Allah on them and they die in the air.
in one dream I see that God and Magog run fast and they make small jumps and then they make a big jump and they go very high in the air and then they attack on coming down so that no one is able to defend himself the best way to kill Gog and magog which I have understood is that to kill them while they are in the air since their movement speed is very fast and their body is very strong and they have a lot of power in their arms and legs
on the way I saw a few people and I stopped there to board them on the train also and the people who were with me told me not to stop as it can be dangerous but I said that perhaps I will be able to save a few more people and just as I stop the train black-colored Gog and Magog attacked and since it was night so I could not see them clearly either but I kill them all with the nur of Allah
and the people who were with me were saved with the mercy of Allah and there was no damage to was but those people where killed for whom I stopped and people said that qasim you will get us killed to while saving a few people and I said that you are right we shouldn't take the risk and then we did not stop anywhere and with the mercy of Allah we reached Isa a.s by the time fajr isa a.s came to earth just a few moments before we reached him and then we started to live with isa a.s I've never seen in my dreams that what do Gog and Magog eat and how are they are alive in the whole from so many years and how many are they and who kills them all but I've seen this that Gog and magog destroy the entire world and only a few people were left Allah knows best 

DAJJAL in Muhammad Qasim's dream

Bismillah a-rahman a-rahim as-salaam alaikum I saw a dream about Dajjal and I am going to share that dream in two parts.
This is the first part..
I've seen dajjal many times in my dreams
Dajjals height is 6 feet and 1 or 2 inches. Little curly hair, a little black colored skin Dajjals face was cruel
And when he walked then it seemed like no one can't stand before him.
He seems like a normal man to me but he had many magical powers.
In one dream Satan calls him as his Rich Warlord.
When Allah fills the entire world with his nur..
By his Mercy then after that it was filled with peace for a while
And after a few years Dajjal suddenly appeared
When the Dajjal appeared then the people became worried
Dajjal claimed to be a God and he had also powers
To support his claim
Dajjal tried to lure the people to get Eternal Youth and life
And people with weak faith started to follow him very quickly.
I went to stop the Dajjal and he said that Qasim join me.
I will give you eternal life and Youth.
So I asked Dajjal that what will happen by that.
One day we all are going to die and you will never succeed in your purpose
And you have to die one day also
The Lord of me and you is one Allah
The Lord of all the worlds
Upon hearing this the Dajjal became irritated
And changed his appearance into a very terrifying one
And my body started to shake and I couldn't muster up courage to say anything and Dajjal said to me that Qasim if you do not join me then I will kill you so go home and think carefully which path you want to choose
Then I came home to Muslims and said that if anyone went to Dajjal then there's a 99.9% chance that he would join him Dajjal is a great trial and only those can save themselves from this trial upon whom is the special mercy of Allah and O Muslims instead of joining Dajjal it is better that we die as Muslims
Come let's die in the way of Allah while fighting Dajjal all the Muslims agree to me and we wage war against Dajjal the Muslim Army fought with Dajjals Army and I fought with Dajjal and engage him so he won't be able to use his powers on Muslim Army and so that the Muslim Army may deliver as much damage as possible to Dajjals Army
the Nur of Allah appeared on my right hand index finger and I keep on fighting Dajjal for a long time with the nur of Allah but Dajjal was very powerful and while fighting him suddenly the nur of Allah disappeared from my index finger
And I said that qasim run away from here and Dajjal came after me and said that Qasim I will not let you go alive today and I started to run in the air with the mercy of Allah and I kept running till I reached a mountain terrain and Dajjal also came there after me Dajjal attacked me from the back and I fell down there injured a large Stone was lying there and it opened and said that qasim hide yourself inside me I will save you from Dajjal but I refused and with that Dajjal approached towards me and said that qasim get ready to die he was going to kill me but at that time I called Allah that ya Allah help me and then the word Allah written came down from the sky and then Allah threw lightning on a mountain near by and a terrifying sound was produced and the mountain shattered after becoming black and Dajjal fainted and fell down and then Allah healed my injury and said that Dajjal has only fainted for 4 hours and then he will wake up after 4 hours you run away from here and hide yourself somewhere and as long as I do not command, do not come in front of Dajjal I thanked Allah that he saved me and then I ran away from there
when Dajjal woke up again then he thought that he had killed me and the Dajjal came back to Muslims and told them that he had killed me and the Muslims felt weak after hearing this and Dajjal continued his Mission again without any hurdle

Description of of our beloved Nabi s.a.w. by Muhammad Qasim

They ask MUHHAMED QASIM to describe the prophet s.a.w of Allah if he is truthful.
Very well then this is his description of of our beloved Nabi s.a.w.
In his dream he has met the real prophet s.a.w of Allah over 300 times
I cannot tell you how the face of Muhammad s.a.w looks like
Because when I get close to him my head lowers out of respect.
And so does my gaze like we do in prayer.
Another reason is his face is always emanating with light which makes it difficult to understand his facial features
The height of Muhammad s.a.w is about 5 feet and 11 inches.
He has an extremely handsome body he walks on the earth very nicely and smoothly.
And covers his head with a cloth and white nur comes out of the body of Muhammad s a.w.
My whole body witnesses that this is the prophet of Allah
And when I greet him with a hand shake my hands testified that this is hands of rasululah s.a.w.
And when I hug him my body testifies that this is the warm body of rasulullah s.a.w.
And I get these really happy and excited feelings.
He talks very softly and politely.
He shows the most deepest affections and has the most unexplainable love.
As if he had just met his long-lost son.
He makes Dua for his ummah and cries for them like no one ever has cried before.
He would keep saying my ummah, us!
He is deeply grieved over his ummah and he keeps making dua for the astray.
I cannot use words for such grief if you knew you would not stop crying if you ever thought about it.
One example is he would walk around back and forth just worried.
And he would have so much hope, energy and enthusiasm when he would ever suggest anything to me.
There was one instance in a dream that I will share in another video .
When I looked into his eyes that were filled with tears at the time.
And I was dazzled and I could not look away it was as if Allah had filled his eyes with his nur.

Muhammad Qasim's first Divine Dream at his age of 4 or 5

Muhammad qasim first Divine dream was at the age of 4 or 5.
It is important to note in qasims childhood
He had an interest in helium filled balloons.
He loved releasing them and watching them go up in the sky.
In this dream I was in my house and my older brother Javaid came from outside.
He said the balloon man is here buy your balloon before he leaves.
Otherwise you will start crying I got money from my mom and went outside.
I asked the Balloon Man for one balloon and he said okay.
While filling the baloon he said qasim did you know there are stairs on the roof of your house leading straight to the sky.
I was very surprised and excited because I was always curious to know where my balloon goes in the sky. I ran to the roof of my house with so much excitement.
I even forgot to take the balloon with me.
When I got to the roof I saw actual stairs.
Exactly like the ones from the Mughal Empire.
They were circular stairs made of red bricks leading to the sky.
I became very happy when I saw
I started going up the stairs and I went so high up that when I looked down all the houses were tiny upon seeing this I got even more happy and went further up
I was even able to touch the clouds and I got very excited.
then I thought my mom might be looking for me so I decided to go back down when I get tired.
Then suddenly I got this feeling that these stairs will lead straight to Allah the Lord of the worlds.
I felt the strange pulse of happiness surging through my body
I ran up the stairs with full speed hoping to reach Allah.
and the dream ends there.

DEC 23, 2018

DEC 23, 2018 Muhammad Qasim saw in a dream that people are discussing politics in a big room that, "if the circumstances get bad the...