Sunday, July 29, 2018


Muhammad Qasim says, I saw this dream on August 13th, 2015 In this dream we were living in a small place filled with darkness, our main Islamic building was captured by evil forces. Then Allah SWT sent Prophet Muhammad SAW to us by His Mercy. Upon seeing the blessed sight of Rasulullah SAW, me and my companions all became very happy because we knew that time has come that we will become United again and regain our Islamic building. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said to me that Qasim, go and tell all the Muslim leaders about me that Rasoolullah s.a.w has come to us again to free his Islamic building from evil forces and to rebuild it. I said Yes I will go now and convey Your message to all of them, Prophet Muhammad SAW told me that I will wait for you. But when I went to the Muslim leaders and conveyed the message of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, they ended up nit believing me I then said that do you only love Prophet Muhammad SAW with your words? Anyone can say mighty things with his tongue. You all should show your love to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w by your actions and not only by your words. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w is waiting for you all. Then they say to me that Qasim don't waste our time. We know what is right and what is wrong and whatever we are doing, we are doing it for the service of Islam. Then I decide to go back. On my way, I found powerful black horses so I took them along with me. After I came back, I told the complete story to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, and I said to him that I am going alone to free the building of your Islam. Then Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said "Wait! I will go with you! I then said "Alright, I have a very powerful horse for You, You should ride it! Prophet Muhammad s.a.w told the other people to wait for us here. Then we went to the place where our main building was. We used to live in this building before the evil forces ( Illuminati, Zionist ) had captured this building. They were killing the Muslims who were already there and were also destroying Islam. I and Prophet Muhammad s.a.w started to fight but they were too much in quantity and power. Then I saw that some forces disguised themselves as Muslims forces but they were not Muslims and they were causing more damage to Islam. I then told Prophet Muhammad s.a.w that these forces are too much, you sit here and have rest and glorify Allah SWT with praises, I will fight these forces alone with the help of Allah SWT. Then I started to fight these forces with the Noor of Allah SWT, and Prophet Muhammad s.a.w start to supplicate to Allah SWT that help Qasim, and then all the forces were destroyed and only those people remained who loved peace. No hypocrite force could stand before the Noor of Allah SWT. We then regained that Islamic building again but that building was strongly damaged. told Prophet Muhammad s.a.w that we need to rebuild this building now and Prophet Muhammad s.a.w become very excited. Then Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said to me that Qasim stay here while I go to tell other Muslims. Then Prophet Muhammad s.a.w told other Muslims that we have regained our place and everyone should go there, Qasim is over there and play your role in rebuilding Islam.

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DEC 23, 2018

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